US deploys helicopters with snipers to gun down feral cows in New Mexico

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Feral cows roaming wild around southwest New Mexico will be gunned down by shooters in helicopters, according to a plan approved by US officials.

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The four-day cull, due to begin on Thursday, will target about 150 stray or unbranded cows that environmentalists say destroy the ecosystems of endangered species among the Gila’s soaring mountains and precipitous canyons, reported news agency Reuters.

Officials said the operation was necessary and it was difficult to make the decision.

“The feral cattle in the Gila Wilderness have been aggressive towards wilderness visitors, graze year-round, and trample stream banks and springs, causing erosion and sedimentation,” Forest Supervisor Camille Howes was quoted by The New York Post as saying.

The hunt may face a legal challenge from ranchers who have said that shooting cattle from the air is a cruel step and inefficient way to manage the population.