This topic has always been a hot news for everyone in each part of the world than it doesn’t matter if they are Indian. Hindus and muslims are living with each other from decades & centuries. This is not a new situation for the Indians. But this time it is a bit different and maybe it could lead to huge clash like 1947. But not that quick. Let’s see the journy:
These 5-6 years have been a rollercoaster for everyone. But it seems like it won’t end here. We still have to go far way. Not just that except corona the biggest problem that is caused beacause of the pandemic is people got stuck to their phones and now no matter what they can’t take their heads off of it. It was definietly a boon for the content creaters AKA ‘The Hidden Talents’. But in all this fun there is a little spark that is triggering slowly. Every one must have seen the reels about how hindus are right and also almost every ritual they practise is right and has a scientific moto behind it. There are people who are spreading the awareness about the Hindu religion so people will not forget about the vast knowledge India has and also there are some people are taking it in a wrong way. They think that now they are being humiliated and outcasted.

There are some people who are just shouting about their religion in order to get followers, likes and money from socialmedia. Not only that but trying to take down the other religion by humiliating them on social media. Any one who is spreading the true knowledge about their own religion will not end up hurting the other religion because every religion teaches us to love god not to fear him and not to hate anybody.
They are always eager to serve us and spice things up. I mean if they had a power to see future or past just imagine what would have happened. The way they show their headlines on screen, it feels like it’ll come out and slap us. There has been no any other great topic that will make any news channel rich than that of religious conflict and by religious conflicts i mean the clash between ‘Hindus and Muslims’. Even if there is a war in Ukraine or Russia the news channels will always prefer to show the Hindu and Muslims conflicts.
The fact is that news channels do not give a F(do not care) about the effect that they will make in the community. They do not care about the distruction of a holy place or anybodys death, the only thing they care about is “TRP”(Telivision Rating Point). There is nothing wrong in knowing the current situation of the country but it is wrong to let it manipulate you. News channels do have the power to manipulate people. They add spice to everyting. But still it will keep growing and growing.
Bollywood has always enjoyed insulting and making fun of the religions from India. They show to the kids or tenagers how cool it feels to insult our very own religion. It is shown how normal it is to not follow rituals or not pray. The context is Bollywood is trying to be Hollywood. But only few people compared to before are left who truly enjoy watching bollywood films. This is the fruit you get for it.
And now if you watch the picture is changing. Bollywood now trying to show more Gods and Goddesses in the movies, but it still isn’t working. People have lost faith in bollywood now. No matter how hard they try to clan their name, the game is over for them.
To be continued…….