“Pain Is Inevitable, Suffering Is Optional”

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Even though breakups are a natural part of life, that doesn’t mean that you can’t feel what you need to feel on your journey to healing and recovering. There are tons of cathartic ways to overcome a breakup. For some, that means going on a total social media, giving yourself some TLC with a selfcafre routine and maybe even keeping these self-care quotes an handy for reminders. For others, it can mean bingeing your favorite movies with a big, fuzzy blanket and reading over these  quotes while eating comfort food. Whatever your cure is, just remember that this difficult time will pass, and to help you through it, we are sharing these broken heart quotes that will hopefully bring you some solace and help you see the light at the end of the tunnel. Who knows, you may even really enjoy being single, these empowering being single quotes are here to prove it!

The hurt of leaving you is unbearable, but being heartbroken is better than living a lie in the form of a relationship. I never thought our journey would ever end; I was so sure of you and this relationship. But as fate would have it, things changed for the worse. With a heavy heart, I am saying goodbye to this five-year-long relationship.

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” Pain is inevitable, suffering is optional. “