Dianosour Egg? Mystery Behind ‘Godzilla Egg’ Sized Orb Found at Japanese Beach Solved

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The mysterious giant yellowish ball, which created panic among authorities and locals, after it washed up on a beach in Japan’s Hamamatsu town on Tuesday, turned out to be common marine equipment.

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A “mysterious orb” that washed up on a Japanese beach may have been identified – it could be a mooring buoy.

When the metal sphere, about the size of a wrecking ball, washed up on the shore, people believed it could be a ”Godzilla’s egg” or a spy device like the ”spy balloon” that was spotted in the US sky earlier this month. However, after authorities conducted an X-ray test, the police confirmed that it was not explosive, according to a report by New York Times (NYT).

The theories were on a roll, as some people even compared the sphere to the famous anime series Dragon Ball, in which the main alien character reached Earth in a sphere-shaped spaceship. While the government of Japan did not buy into the ridiculous ideas floating around on the internet, they also did not want to treat the object carelessly either.

People visiting Enshu Beach in Hamamatsu City were baffled when they spotted a giant ball on Tuesday. Locals informed the authorities about the finding.

It was just a large, spherical piece of scrap metal–a buoy–used to guide mariners or mark positions in the ocean.

“The ball is going to be scrapped eventually,” Hiroyuki Yagi, an official at Shizuoka Prefecture’s River and Coastal Management Bureau, told Japan Times.

The Japanese authorities are yet to determine where the ball had come from or who owned it, however, the fact it was not covered by shells or seaweed suggests that it probably hadn’t travelled very far, the NYT report said.