Positive Quote.

Accept, Don’t Regret! Let the past be past. Let it be at its place. There are somethings that we need to vanish from our memory. … Read more

Motivational Quote.

Choose your direction wisely. Don’t rush with the crowd. It is not necessary that where majority goes must be a right path. Everyones life is … Read more

Good Quote.

” Be The Reason Someone Smiles Today. “

There are a lot of people who constantly hurt people. There always less people who can make you smile or who can make you happy. We are not going to be the one who hurts others. Let us be nice with everyone. Let’s spread love in this world. Looks like our world is forgetting the definition of kindness. We have to make a difference. Lot of people suffer from depression, anxiety, insecurities etc. This changing world wants everyone to be perfect but we don’t have to be perfect.

Appreciate yourself as you are. You are very beautiful. It doesn’t matter what others say about you, your looks, your skills, or about anything. Till the end off your life you are the one who is going to be with yourself and no one else. So be nice with everyone and spread love.

Share this post with everyone and let the world know the importance of kindness. Thank You! 🙂


” I Love You Endlessly. “

Love quotes

Since i met you i have known the definition of love. You taught me what love is. You are the only person who is close to my heart, i cannot even imagine of loosing you. I would love if we were together forever. My love for you is endless, to the infinity. I always want to be with you. Not a single moment passes away without thinking about you. ” It’s impossible to get you off my mind. I think about a hundred thoughts and you are 99. “

I want to live every moment of happiness, sadness, every difficulty with. Let us fight with our difficulties together, and let us also enjoy our victories together. I will always love you endlessly.

Share this post with someone you love or with someone who you think are falling in love with. . Thank you!

Love quotes
Love quotes


” I Told The Stars About You. “

I stay awake for a long time, thinking about you all night. I wish you were here with me. I miss you a lot. I have no one to express my feelings to, so i told the stars that how precious you are to me. I was chatting with them for the whole night. I told them how much i miss you. They said that they could see you from up there. I told them about our story, that how we stayed together happily, all of our happy and sad moments.

I told the stars that you are my happy place. I always want to be with you. But now you are so far. I wish that there was a way so that i could stay with you.

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A positive quote on dream.

” Every Dream Deserves A Chance To Lie. “

Dreams do come true. If you believe in your dreams and work hard towards them then they will definitely become true. You should not say that it is impossible, instead you should give it a try. Maybe you will be successful or maybe not. But there will be at least no regret that you did not even try. You never know when things will be in you favor, so keep believing and keep trying.

You are not going loose anything in the process of trying. If you succeed than you will benefit. That is why the quote says that, ” Every dream deserves a chance to live. ” Share this positive quote with everyone. Thank You.

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Quote On Patience.

” Your Patience Is Your Power. “

Patience is the ultimate key to success. Mastering patience is not an easy job. But once you master patience everything will become easy. There are very tough times in our life. In those tough moments it is hard to be patient. Like if something makes us angry, it is hard to keep our cool. In these kind of situations we have to learn to be patient.

If you are working hard towards your goal then you have to patient and not give up too easily. If you’ll be patient then you’ll definitely reach your goal. Share this post with you friends and family. Thank You!

Kindness Quote!

” Kindness Always Comes Back. “

I’m definitely sure that you must have heard about karma. This principal means you will get back what you give. When ever you will heart someone one day you will also get hurt by someone. Same goes with happiness, kindness and everything. If be kind with everyone everyone will be kind with you to. If you help someone now than that help it’ll come back you never know when maybe not now but tomorrow or after many days, years. But it will surely come back.

You have to be good with everyone, it will give you nothing but peace and happiness. Share this post with everyone and make a good change in society. Thank You.

Quote on being Heartless!

” No Love No Pain No Feelings I’m Heartless. “

Being heartless means having no emotions within you. You become numb when you become heartless. You cannot love someone when you have no heart. You get no feeling along with that you also cannot get heart, you won’t feel pain in your heart. Being heartless is something like a body with no soul. You don’t get to experience happiness.

A heartless person is a emotionless body. Just breathing and living. No matter how things get worse or better a heartless person would never care. It’s always only one emotion of nothingness. Share this. Thank You!

Happy Childhood.

” Happy Times Come And Go But The Best Childhood Memories Stay Forever. “

We miss being small, as we have grown up, the fun when we were at our childhood stage has finished. Those happy memories we made playing together in mud, going in the park, crying for ice-cream chocolates and all those loving memories. I wish we never grew up. I want play again, i don’t know what the future is so why would i worry about. But now i know the meaning of the word future, i’m scared what will be next how my life is going to be in the future will i get everything i wanted. This is the difference in being an adult and a child.

That when we were small we actually lived in present worrying about nothing. We had less things to do. Our timetable was fixed, wake up, play, school, comeback and again play and then sleep that’s it. No one pressured us. But now the picture is different. I still remember those wholesome memories. Share this post with your friends and make them remember their childhood. Thank You!