Articles by shreya

Positive Quote On Beauty.

” Everything Has Beauty, But Not Everyone Sees It. “

Perspective of looking always matters in every situation. You can look at everything from a bad perspective and you will find everything ugly but you can also look at things from an positive attitude and you will find things beautiful. Every child thinks his/her mother is beautiful, it is their love that makes a difference its perspective and affection.

Lets find beauty in everything. Share this post with beautiful people and make their day shine. Thank You!

Positive Quote.

” Trust The Timing Of Your Life. “

Bad days and good days are the part of life. This is what the life cycle is all about miseries and happiness. You just have to wait for that right time when all your sorrows will be diminished and then their will be shower of happiness. You have to be patient. God has better things for you ahead in your life, trust him.

You are being tested, endure the pain for some more time and you will definitely achieve whatever you want. Share this post with your loved ones. Thank You!

Quote On Patience.

” Be Patient Good Things Take Time.”

It is always said that Good things take time, here comes the patience that you need to get. Whatever it maybe giving up should no be the option in your life. You have to be patient and keep trying, no matter how long it takes, or no matter how hard it is you have to be patient and wait for the right time. Good things will definitely come to you if you master patience.

Stay calm and wait for the right time and you wont be disappointed. share this post to someone and give them spirit and courage to succeed. Thank You!

Kindness quotes

Kindness Quotes

” It Costs Nothing To Be Nice. “ Being nice to someone makes you a better person. You suddenly start becoming kind and gentle which makes a huge deference in your life. We look at everything with an different perspective, a positive perspective. As you keep and keep becoming kind every little thing happening in your life will shower you with happiness.

Top Kindness Quotes

  • No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted.” – Aesop
  • “Kindness is the sunshine in which virtue grows.” – Robert Green Ingersoll
  • “The greatest gift you can give someone is your kindness.” – Rasheed Ogunlaru
  • “A single act of kindness throws out roots in all directions, and the roots spring up and make new trees.” – Amelia Earhart
  • “Happiness is the new rich. Inner peace is the new success. Health is the new wealth. Kindness is the new cool.” – Syed Balkhi

When you become nice you automatically become strong, you will realize that you react less to things that are against you or if that ever made you angry. Share this post with someone and make their day shine. Thank You!

Quote On Freedom.

Quote about Freedom! Freedom brings you happiness and joy. When the life is yours than why to hand it to anyone else to control it. You are the one to decide everything in your life and not someone else. Someone else in this text includes: your lover, parents, society or sometimes your own mind, which binds you from thinking that you can do whatever you want.

You have to be a free bird an reach your destination (goal) yourself. Life is a beautiful gift given to us by god. he gifted us this life to live in our own way, to live it however we want. So stop depending on others decisions this how you will truly be free. Share this post to whoever you want so that they understand the importance of freedom. Thank you!

Motivational Quote Of The Day.

Believing in goals, people, dreams will lead you to the actions that will make them true. Believing is directly or indirectly somehow lined to manifestation. … Read more

A Positive Quote On Imperfection.

Imperfection is a beauty in itself. Imperfection is undeniable. Lets embrace the imperfection by our whole heart. No one should ever feel insecure about their … Read more